The Little Baby Face Foundation strives to be at the forefront of the development and treatment of reconstructive case management and medical procedures, ensuring that the facial reconstructive surgeries performed through our organization are of the highest quality.
To do this, we maintain a robust research and education library for our patients:
Education and documentation of new surgical reconstruction techniques.
Utilization of new materials and products that enhance the quality of reconstruction surgery.
Development of treatment protocols and standards for a holistic approach to reconstructive case management.
We are committed to educating a generation of doctors and medical providers that are knowledgeable and trained to treat children with facial birth deformities. We, therefore, offer various continuing education opportunities, such as:
Grand Rounds for hospital and pediatric interns.
Educational seminars on identification and current treatment protocol for correcting infant/child facial deformities.
Physician’s Reference Section on the website.
Consultations for reconstructive care management.
In addition, the medical professionals on our team make regular, significant contributions for both national and international fields of facial deformity research.
Click on any of the links below for recent academic research from the Little Baby Face Foundation community: