We know how scary it can be if your child is born with a facial deformity. If you take one thing away from reading this, let it be this: do not panic. Your mind may be rushing to the worst case scenario, but we help families with facial deformities every day, and we can assure you, the vast majority of facial deformities can be treated and will not interfere with your child’s quality of life.

We know how scary it can be if your child is born with a facial deformity. If you take one thing away from reading this, let it be this: do not panic. Your mind may be rushing to the worst case scenario, but we help families with facial deformities every day, and we can assure you, the vast majority of facial deformities can be treated and will not interfere with your child’s quality of life.
You’re not alone in this, and you’re in great hands with Little Baby Face Foundation. We are not only leading experts in the field, but we are also extremely empathetic and supportive of all of our families.

Here’s what we think all parents of a child with a facial deformity should know:

1. In some cases, it may go away. For example, only one in 100 hemangiomas grow in size, and only 1 in 10 don't respond to oral treatments.

2. Unless life-threatening, many deformities are best left alone and treated as a child reaches a certain age or size. With most newborns with a cleft lip, for example, we go by a 10 week, 10 lb rule. We do not typically treat infants before they have reached 10 weeks or 10 pounds.

3. Different conditions require different treatments as child ages. This is another reason why it's often better to wait if we can. The goal is to avoid subjecting the child to multiple surgeries.

4. The first step is to complete the online application. You will likely be asked for additional information by our surgical coordinator before our Medical Advisory Board reviews your child’s case. If we can help your child we will arrange for you to come to New York where one of our expert doctors will evaluate your child’s condition, carefully explain your options, and formulate a plan to treat your child.

5. Keep in contact. Sometimes treatment will not take place immediately and we’ll stay in touch. For example, we had one 6-day-old infant whom we could not successfully treat until he was 8 years old, so, until that time, we regularly checked in with the family. Meanwhile, a newborn we’ve recently seen will undergo surgery when he is 10 weeks old. Whether it’s days, weeks, or years, we will always be in touch.

We hope that you’ll take comfort in knowing that you are not alone in this journey. To get started, all you have to do is fill out the form below. From your first appointment, you’ll have the very best doctors in your corner. We’ll help you navigate this, and when the time is right, we will treat it.


If you’re new to this and wondering where to start, please complete the form below so we can get you on the right path. You’re not alone in this, and help is here for you whenever you’re ready.

    If you’re new to this and wondering where to start, please complete the form below so we can get you on the right path. You’re not alone in this, and help is here for you whenever you’re ready.